Some of Medicaid’s greatest challenges complement the structure of a Pay for Success (PFS) Model. PFS can extend Medicaid services to children who depend on them, while improving reporting of services provided, focusing on measurable outcomes of health centers, and expanding cost efficient programs that work with vulnerable child populations. Congress, state, and local policymakers should consider PFS models to supplement funding to school based health centers and community based health centers.
The "Our Neighborhood Project" - Affordable Housing and Pay for Success
The University of Virginia Pay for Success Lab (PFS Lab) is proud to announce its partnership with the National Housing Project Foundation (NHPF) to conduct a feasibility study on the use of Pay for Success (PFS) in the construction and maintenance of affordable housing. This initiative, titled “Our Neighborhood Project”, will culminate in a research report outlining the state of affordable housing in the United States and a call to action to use alternative modes of financing to make more neighborhoods affordable to individuals from all socioeconomic backgrounds. The report will serve as a benchmark of success for state and local governments, philanthropic institutions, and others interested in pursuing affordable housing financing.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Users Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Virginia Employment Commission convened a Data Users Conference on February 22, 2017 to discuss new data tools and employment concepts. The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond hosted the conference, and participants ranged from small social service providers to the Bank’s President, Jeffrey Lacker. On the importance of this conference, BLS Regional Commissioner Sheila Watkins said, “Having access to timely and objective data is more important than ever in understanding our changing economy and making informed business and policy decisions”. The post will discuss structural changes in the labor force and the changing nature of employment in the United States, as well as novel data concepts and tools to analyze and track these trends.
Accelerating Pay for Success Pre-Feasibility Analysis
How do Pay for Success (PFS) projects begin? Who initiates them? What separates projects that are likely to succeed from those that are not?
At the University of Virginia Pay for Success Lab, we conduct pre-feasibility analyses that answer all these essential questions related to PFS projects. Quality pre-feasibility analyses are powerful tools to shorten PFS project timelines, but these studies themselves take significant time to complete. Drawing from my experience, I present a case study below that illustrates engaging with stakeholders first accelerates the development of PFS projects. Before doing so, however, I first explain pre-feasibility analyses in greater detail, which accomplish three things—identify the problem, research solutions, and connect stakeholders.
Convening Recap | Pay for Success and Social Impact Finance 2.0 - February 9 & 10, 2017
The mission of the University of Virginia Pay for Success Lab (PFS Lab) is to identify and advance impactful Pay for Success (PFS) project models in localities across the nation. In addition to working directly with communities, the PFS Lab provides high-impact educational opportunities for leaders who want to learn about how to utilize Pay for Success in their own communities.
Over on February 9th & 10th, the PFS Lab hosted its second annual conference, “Pay for Success and Social Impact Finance 2.0”. The convening attracted leaders from across levels of government, the private sector, nonprofits, philanthropy, and the University to learn about Pay for Success. Several co-hosts provided support for the event, including Social Entrepreneurship @ UVa, the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, the Darden School of Business Institute for Business in Society, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Third Sector Capital Partners, and Quantified Ventures.